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The following article appeared in the February 11, 1952 edition of the Independent-Journal newspaper, Marin County, California:

Mill Valley Balloon Goes To Arizona

Thanks to Tamalpais Motor sales company in Mill Valley, Marin county came into the news last week in Arizona.

A helium-filled balloon, released by the comapny during the showing of 1952 Fords, landed at a desert home in Benson, Ariz., on February 2.

A letter sent by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Outman and received by the company recently revealed,

"...Thought maybe you'd be interested to know that one of your balloons was blown here on our place last Saturday (February 2) with a strong wind from the coast. Just wanted to let you know how far it flew.

"We are an elderly couple living out here on the desert for our health and have to depend on our faithful 1940 Ford for transportation.

"We have run it for 12 years and think there's no car like the Ford."

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